Become a Castle Mount Author!

Castle Mount Media GmbH & Co. KG is a publishing company located in Erlangen, Germany, which specializes in print and online media dedicated to improving Leadership and Communication especially in the areas of Business, Healthcare, and Education and to helping global thought-leaders get their message out.

Our mission is to inspire and empower our readers and seminar participants to achieve success through 
value-based leadership and generative collaboration.

Our Authors

Castle Mount authors are top experts in their fields. All of our authors believe in value-based, conscious leadership and share our vision to improve leadership and communication in all areas of business, healthcare and education.

Our Books

Castle Mount authors are highly experienced thought leaders in their fields. We have specially selected each author's book to bring you the information and knowledge that you need to make informed decisions and to succeed.

Our Courses

Castle Mount has individually selected these masterful courses to help you grow so that you may find your purpose and develop into a transformational leader.


ONE: Your Compass to Living Your ONE Life to the Fullest

Unlock the secret to a fulfilling life with ONE: your ultimate guide to blending entrepreneurial success with personal happiness—transform your journey today


TARA: A Woman's Journey of Faith from Fear to Freedom

Join Tara on her transformative journey from fear to freedom, a tale of resilience and awakening that promises to inspire your path to inner strength.



Generatives Coaching Band 3: Vielfältige Ebenen zur Gestaltung des Erfolgs

The design and steering of ecological and sustainable change is a process on multiple levels. If we want to change our behavior, we must also change our thinking and our attitude. Generatives Coaching Band 3 demonstrates how influence on multiple levels can be integrated into the six steps of the Generative Coaching process to generate fundamental and lasting success in every area of life.


Die Gabenkarten: Finde den Reichtum in Dir!

Dr. Gudrun Reinschmidt, author and expert in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), presents her latest work: "The Gift Cards - Find the Wealth Within You!" This inspiring book is accompanied by a beautiful set of cards that offers readers a unique opportunity to reflect on and inspire themselves.
Each image on the Gift Cards is an invitation to reflect and meditate on these vital topics. By using the Gift Cards, readers can establish a deeper connection to themselves and their inner resources.



Virtual Power Teams: How to Deliver Projects Faster, Reduce Costs, and Develop Your Organization for the Future!

For the special anniversary edition of Virtual Power Teams, we will be releasing an exclusive hardcover version of the book. Long before Covid, Peter Ivanov was advising team leaders how to best create, lead, and motivate virtual teams. This international bestseller remains one of the most inspiring guides on working remotely.


Wingwave Coaching:
Like the Beat of a Butterfly's Wings

In this ground-breaking book, the authors present their further development of EMDR: a combination of bilateral hemispheric stimulation, Neurolinguistic Coaching, and the well-researched myostatic (muscle) test. This unique coaching method can bring you your desired results often within three to five sessions.


Leadership. Safe & Secure.

Leadership. Safe & Secure. deals with self-management and leadership in combination with safety & security. Anton Doerig challenges you, the reader, to reflect on and question your behavior in self-, employee- and company management and this affects your corporate security and security management.


9 International Authors
Independent Minds,
Expert Ideas

Independent Minds, Expert Ideas introduces you to the authors’ business know-how. They share some of their most valuable tips for facing the challenges of changing times head-on, and they show you how to create confidence in your business or organization no matter what the future holds.


Next Generation

This book provides principles, models, exercises, and other resources to help you develop a greater proficiency and aptitude for conscious leadership – that is, to guide yourself and your team from a state of centered presence, accessing multiple intelligences and living your highest values in service to a larger purpose for the benefit of all stakeholders.


Powerful Presentations

Powerful Presentations fills the gap between a book on presentation techniques and a book on presentation software in a unique way that cannot be found anywhere else. It is a handbook for anyone who wants to give presentations with more impact.



Next Generation 

Through generative collaboration, individuals are able to utilize their abilities to the fullest and discover and apply resources that they did not yet realize that they had. This book is for people who want to increase their capacity for working effectively together with others and to experience the excitement, satisfaction and power of generative collaboration.   


Dealing with Divas

In a world where having productive relationships and effective communication means the difference between success and absolute failure, you need tools that will help you remain calm, confident, poised, and focused on the task at hand so that you accomplish your goals, regardless of any conflict that may be going on around you. This book helps you do just that. 


Robert Dilts & Stephen Gilligan
Generatives Coaching, Band 1: Auf der Reise zu kreativen und nachhaltigen Veränderungen

There are times in the life of every individual, every marriage, every family, every culture and every business, where whar has been done in the past will not help you to successfully go forward into the future. In these situations you have to be "generative," which means creating something that has never existed before.

In this book, internationally renowned coaches and authors Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan present a simple yet powerful six-step approach to navigating the complex path to a more meaningful and fulfulling future. Drawn from the transcripts of live seminars, and brilliantly illustrated by Antonio Meza, this first volume provides a clear, practical and lively introduction to the magic of Generative Coaching.

Whether you are an experienced coach or someone interested in learning about how to support others to reach more of their potential, this book will provide you with a useful and inspiring road map for navigating the journey of creative and sustainable change.



Next Generation Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are individuals who are willing to take personal, professional, and financial responsibility and risk in order to pursue opportunity. This ground-breaking book by Robert Dilts is a must-have for every entrepreneur who wants to create a successful and meaningful business.



Lindsay Adams

Lindsay Adams is a keynote speaker, referral marketing and business networking specialist. With over 20 years relationship marketing experience, Lindsay’s focus is on building business networks, leveraging relationships to grow referrals and drive sales in less time by doing business by relationship.

Crina Ancuta

Dr. Crina Ancuta, a Romanian-born global citizen currently living in the United Kingdom, epitomizes resilience, compassion, and the pursuit of purpose. Transitioning from a successful medical career to impactful roles in the pharmaceutical industry, Ancuta's journey has been marked by a relentless quest for personal growth and societal betterment.

Laura Baxter

Laura Baxter is specialized in helping and advising international leaders to find their voice and develop their leadership presence across cultures and to shape their message to be compelling, inspiring and influential on the global stage.

Cora Besser-Siegmund

Psychologist Cora Besser-Siegmund is a licensed psychotherapist, NLP Master Trainer, and Master Coache. She is also a supervisor for EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). In 2001 she co-founded the wingwave method, which is now used internationally by almost 4000 wingwave coaches. 

Cornelius Boersch

Dr. Cornelius Boersch, a German-born entrepreneur and investor residing between Zurich and Mallorca, embodies a life dedicated to multifaceted success. With a track record of over 400 global investments since 1996, Boersch is an expert in identifying and nurturing promising startups.

Christian Buchholz

Christian Buchholz is an expert on
innovation and change. As a three-time founder, he knows the challenges of start-ups, as well as the mindset of large corporations. The founder and managing director of the verrocchio Institute is an author of several innovation books.

Chris Davidson

Chris Davidson is a highly experienced engineer who worked in the aviation, IT and telecoms sectors for more than 20 years. During his corporate career Chris was lucky to experience living and working internationally. During this period he developed a deep interest in how people interact with and use technology.

Robert B. Dilts

Robert B. Dilts has had a global reputation as a leading coach, behavioral skills trainer, and business consultant since the late 1970s. A major developer and expert in the field of Neuro-Lingusitic Programming (NLP), Robert has provided coaching, consulting, and training throughout the world to a wide variety of individuals and organizations.

Anton Doerig

Anton Doerig has been successful in management positions of various military, private, and public safety and security areas at regional, national and international levels for more than 20 years. Today, his focus is on coaching executives and advising companies and on giving keynotes on the connection between and the intersection of leadership, management and safety & security.

Stephen Gilligan

Dr. Stephen Gilligan has become a leading figure in Ericksonian hypnotherapy and is the developer of the Generative Self approach to personal growth. This work unfolded into his original approaches of Self-Relations and Generative Self, and then further (in collaboration with Robert Dilts) into Generative Coaching. 

Ilja Grzeskowitz

Ilja Grzeskowitz is a global keynote speaker, author, and economist. He was an executive manager for Germany ́s largest retail corporation, Karstadt, as well as for IKEA before he started his own consulting company in 2009.

Vibha Gurtu

Vibha Gurtu's lifetime commitment to guiding others on their spiritual path is an inspiration to many and a testament of her dedication to her craft. She is a practitioner and facilitator of Shamanism, and intuitive healer, and an image consultant. She uses her knowledge and experience to create inner and outer balance for her individual and corporate clients.

Peter Ivanov

Peter Ivanov is an internationally sought-after Keynote Speaker, Business Consultant and Executive Coach. He has led virtual teams of 100+ people spread across Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. His teams have won multiple prestigious corporate awards.

Rebecca Jones

Rebecca Jones started her first business at the age of 19 and has since established herself within the field of businesses growth through staff engagement and collaborative approaches.

She holds a Masters Degree in Education focusing on educating enterprise and entrepreneurs and has combined running her own business for over two decades with work in academia focusing on enterprise.

Siegfried Lange

Siegfried Lange completed his Master’s in Clinical Psychology with a thesis focusing on the development of emotional intelligence. He has 15 years’ experience in retail, most of which in management.

Antonio Meza

A native of Pachuca, Mexico, Antonio Meza has a degree in Communication Sciences from Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla, a Masters degree in Film Studies from Université de Paris – Sourbonne Nouvelle, a diploma in Cinema Scriptwriting from the General Society of Writers in Mexico (SOGEM), and a diploma in Documentary FIlms from France’s Ecole Nationale des Métiers de l’Image et du Son (La Fémis).

Ogopoleng Mushi

Ogopoleng Mushi is a public relations and digital marketing strategist from Pretoria, South Africa. She studied Human Physiology, Genetics & Psychology at the University of Pretoria while also completing a certification in Basic Neuroscience through Tuks Enterprise.

Gudrun Reinschmidt

Dr. Gudrun Reinschmidt is the founder of the German Institute for Success Factor Modeling to bring the innovative work to Germany and to explore the common success factors of German Entrepreneurs and leaders. Gudrun has developed the German 9-days-Certification-Training for Next Generation Entrepreneurs and will come up with the Success Factor Modeling Conscious Leadership Training in German language.

Charlotte Schuitemaker

Charlotte Schuitemaker is a media designer and organizational powerhouse with a background in information management. Together with Frowa Schuitemaker-Hartsema, she is the creator of the P-IQ Method. With this method, they have mapped out clearly and simply how to speak effectively using slide presentations.

Frowa Schuitemaker-Hartsema

Frowa Schuitemaker-Hartsema is a professional speaker, all-round educationalist, and founder of the company Powerful Presentations. Together with her daughter Charlotte, she is the creator of the P-IQ Method. With this method, they have mapped out clearly and simply how to speak effectively using slide presentations.

Harry Siegmund

Psychologist Harry Siegmund is a licensed psychotherapist, NLP Master Trainer, and Master Coaches. In 2001 he co-founded the wingwave method, which is now used internationally by almost 4000 wingwave coaches. This award-winning method has already been researched and its effectiveness scientifically proven.

Lola Siegmund

Lola A. Siegmund is a business psychologist with a focus on training, coaching and leadership. As a coach and master trainer she accompanies people in the Besser-Siegmund-Institute who are in life situations from which they want to take different and new paths. “This cooperation with people and the quickly visible successes – that’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

Dorina Serban

Dorina Serban, a visionary entrepreneur and dedicated advocate for human potential, charts her path at the nexus of business, personal growth, and spirituality. Originally from Romania and now residing in Switzerland, Serban holds an Executive Master’s degree in Business Administration and over ten years of leadership experience in both local and global corporate environments.

Paul ter Wal

Paul ter Wal is a former company lawyer turned employability expert and work health architect. He’s been successfully speaking, consulting, and training business executives in this area for more than 20 years.

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